Sunday, March 9, 2025

Spreading our Seed


I love spreading plant seeds by blowing on a dry dandelion head or setting off an exploding impatiens seed pod. But my own seed I never wanted to spread. Too many examples of poor parenting in my immediate family for me to feel even remotely qualified to be a parent myself.

That said, seeds are really important: seeds that grow into produce, plants that shed oxygen, and plants that give fiber for clothing. And more metaphorical seeds of information, art, and inspiration.

Let us all spread our seeds freely, and hope for a good harvest.

A Room of One's Own


A Room of One’s Own

Virginia Woolf wrote “A Room of One’s Own,” an essay about how women writers, just like men, need a place to retreat away from the demands of their daily life, to be free to concentrate on their writing.

I’m retired, and have few claims on my time and energy. So why am I not writing up a storm? Creative nonfiction is my genre, so I can’t just whip worlds out of my imagination – which is no great shakes anyway. What I often lack is something I want to write about.

Turns out, adversity is a profound trigger to creativity. Think breakup songs and protest songs and novels. So, Trump 1.0, Covid, and 2.0 have all been very helpful for creativity.

In terms of protest writing both content and distribution need to be considered. For example, the content needs to be suitable to the planned audience. And the content needs to provoke the actions I hope the readers will take in response. Actions such as voting, at the bare minimum.

More effective responses seem to be needed, because our opponents stop at nothing to get what they want (or think they want, until the tiger they voted for starts to eat their faces).

Possibly more effective responses might include contacting our members of Congress, boycotting big companies, and attending demonstrations (hopefully without violence or arrests).

What other actions will be required to save America and the world?