Tuesday, October 23, 2007

More Siddur Writing

Two versions of Ma'ariv Aravim, a prayer that thanks God for creation:

I see the face of the moon in a sky that's still light -- a little odd, a little special. The moon belongs to night (or night to the moon?), but it's lovely outside its usual setting. I'm moved to praise You, God, Source of blessings, for this beauty. And it's a comfort to know that the moon and sun perform their stately dance at Your direction. They will not collide, and we can enjoy each in its time.

I see the face of the moon in a sky that's still light -- a little odd, a little special. And I think of all the people You have created -- each of us a little odd, a little special. Gay, straight, bi; male, female, or trans -- all of us created in Your image and each of us as necessary as the moon.

A Hashkiveinu prayer, for peace and safety at night:

When I wrap my tallit over my head, I feel protected by Your sheltering presence. Night comes, our loving Parent, and the dangers of darkness -- accidents, gay-bashers, nightmares. Please wrap us in Your shelter of peace and keep us from harm, and we will praise You when we awake.

A prayer about harmful speech:

I don't want to speak words that hurt, or to be hurt by other's words. Please God help our tongues be tender and our skins be thick.

And a meditation about unity for before the Shema:

Each of us is different, each of us is one. Our atoms all knew each other in the old country. Let us find our unity in You.

The class is over, but there may be another opportunity or two to write in a group with Andrew's guidance. I really enjoy the group writing experience, and immediate feedback. Otherwise, I rarely sit down to write unless I have or give myself an assignment.

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