Thursday, March 24, 2011

Another Rainy Day

and I'm hanging out at Martha & Bros. on Church Street, watching a eucalyptus tree thrash in the wind and being glad that I'm in here and dry, and don't need to leave for several hours. And when I do leave, I have a goretex parka and a good umbrella so I can get home without melting.
The plan for today is to go to the post office and renew my passport, so I can visit Vancouver on the way to an Alaska cruise that I plan to take next year. Then I might as well hit the Safeway near the post office and put in some food.

I have finally registered to start my series of yoga classes, now that my physical therapy for my shoulder has tapered down to once a week and I'm cleared for restorative yoga. Can't get too excited about going to classes when it's pouring outside, but the studio in question is so overbooked that the first opening isn't until mid-April, by which time it may have stopped raining. I hope.

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