Friday, September 7, 2012

Long Time no Write

I'm still wearing the brace on my ankle and not singing with Occupella.

On the other hand, I auditioned for a new play, called "Mad Love" that's supposed to open in less than a month, even though the script isn't final yet. At three rehearsals per week, though, progress should be rapid. On the third hand, I'll be missing several rehearsals starting a week from now, so I really hope the script is final before I leave for ten days.

Jan and I are booked on an Olivia cruise of Alaska that leaves from Vancouver on the 16th of this month. I just printed out my boarding pass and luggage tags, and am starting to compile a mental packing list.

I went on a Caribbean cruise with my grandparents when I was eight or so, and had a wonderful time, so I have hopes for this cruise, after I get over my usual "leaving my nest" anxiety. And we have booked excursions at each landfall, plus some indulgences aboard ship. I'm a touch worried about seasickness; I was fine on the cruise a half century ago, but have become much more sensitive to motion since then. But I plan to bring three different seasickness remedies, so that should be covered.

In the meantime, I have been participating in phone banking as part of PICO California's push to support Proposition 30 - a revenue-raising measure that's a combination of the governor's proposal and the Millionaire's Tax. Cold-calling people is one of my least favorite things to do, but at least we're not asking them for money. I even managed to rope Jan into joining me for a session last night. She's a natural.

If you live in California, please vote yes on Prop. 30. The money will go to K-12 and higher education, and local police and fire services, and will prevent even deeper cuts than we've already experienced in these services. 90% of the revenue will come from raising state income taxes on people earning more than $250,000 a year, and the rest from nudging up the state sales tax by a quarter of a percent. State coffers are bare, so we only get what we pay for.

And of course, if you live anywhere in America, please be sure to re-elect President Obama. Romney would undo the policies that are healing our economy. The GOP seeks to restore the 'winnner take all,' 'I've got mine; you're on your own,' 'women and children last' policies that nearly crashed the economy and would return women to the status of child-bearing machines. Heaven forfend!

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