Monday, March 12, 2012

No News Might be Bad News

So, after  I'd been singing with Occupella for a month or so, I got around to seeing a new podiatrist for an injury to my ankle that I believe occurred when I misstepped on a pothole back in October. The highly rated new doctor took an ultrasound image and slapped me in a walking cast, finding that I'd torn a tendon. Thankfully, it was only frayed, not torn clear through, so no surgery was needed, but I stayed in that cast, and mostly off my feet, for six weeks.

I've graduated to wearing a brace and am supposed to begin physical therapy, but now I've got a lovely cold/laryngitis thing that has turned me from a soprano to a bass-baritone. They don't want my germs at the PT office, and I don't blame them any. So now I'm resting my voice as well as my ankle, except for a single balancing-on-one-foot exercise that the doctor told me to do.

Which all explains why I haven't posted recently. My life's been pretty quiet.

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