I wrote the following in a sermon for Congregation Sha’ar Zahav in 1986:
“Choosing life,
then, involves growing: intending to grow, seizing opportunities to grow,
making changes, trying experiments, admitting defeat, and trying something
else. I think God wants us to grow up: to become more and more mature, honest,
compassionate, trustworthy, appreciative, courageous, creative, alive. …
Spiritual growth is like traveling to a distant city. I can get there in many
different ways: I can go by car, skateboard, taxi, train, plane, or hovercraft.
And even if I go slowly, or take a detour, I will still get there sooner or
later. … As long as I’m trying to grow up, and trying to make choices that
affirm and enhance my life and the lives of those around me, that’s enough.”
These are challenging
times. Warfare, gun violence, and people’s apparent appetite for
authoritarianism are reasons for outrage and despair. I waver between anger and
depression. If a teeny wisp of hope breaks through, I try to comfort myself and
my friends. Then I might try to change some small piece of the horror in a
better direction. I’m mostly still at the ‘trying to comfort’ stage of
response, with the occasional gentle donation, retweet, or share to express
whichever emotion is topmost.
encourages its members to view failures as feedback, information about what
doesn’t work that may help suggest different approaches. They also recommend
replacing thought such as “I can’t do X” with a less absolute and more
optimistic “I haven’t been able to do X yet.” With the unstated hope that I can
learn how to get myself to do X sometime, or that I can find a variation of X
that I can do that will work well enough.
I tell
myself over and over again that viewing anything less than perfect success as
abject failure creates a false binary. There is a vast range of possibilities
between perfect adherence to some shining standard of perfection and not making
any changes at all. That’s when I sometimes remember my sermon about life as
growth. As long as I’m trying to mosey in the direction of improvement, I am
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