Saturday, January 25, 2025

Creativity and Me

Creativity is the holy Grail of writers and all artisans. In fact, we're sometimes called "creatives." However, creativity comes with being human; it is as inherent as our ability to breathe. In the beginning, God created humans in the divine image. All we know about the divine at that stage of the story is that it creates. Ergo, what we humans share with the divine at the very core of our being is the ability and urge to create.

Fine, but tell that to the empty page that sits there smirking at me. Tell that to my legs that take me away from that page more often than not, Tell that to the perfect blank that appears in my mind when I reach for the pen.

Well, creativity can be drummed out of us or suppressed, or ignored because it doesn't feel right, because it comes at an awkward time, or because it doesn't seem good enough.

How to encourage myself to just write something? The word "discipline" comes to mind, but I immediately push it away - it just makes me sad. The concept of motivation works better for me. I find that I am motivated to write by a group of friends who are expecting me to write something to share with them next week. Best of all is sitting down with a group of friends and writing with them. Their creative energy mingles with mine, and it's magical.

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