Sunday, September 23, 2007

Happy New Year?

It's only fair that I post not only when I'm in a good spiritual place, but also when I'm in not so good a place.

I slept in yesterday and ate a small breakfast, and got to shul by the end of Yom Kippur Shacharit, at about 11:30, and stayed there through the break the fast at 7:30. The service I led went pretty well, despite my anticipatory anxiety - it's been about a decade since I last put on a kittel and led a High Holy Days service. This year's Mincha had about 60 congregants, which is apparently rather a lot for this relatively unloved service. And I did get a ride home afterwards, which was very nice.

But, I am drained dry. I am tired and glum and my digestion is upset, and the sky is gray, etc. On the bright side, I'm having a massage today, and am looking slightly forward to preparing a demonstration of all seven different sizes of my recorders for my co-workers at a talent/art show in about 10 days.

I'm OK, all things considered, and hope all is well with you, dear reader.

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