Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Last Prayer Writing Session?

We're getting pretty close to finalizing the text of the new prayerbook, so we had what was billed as the last writing session a few weeks ago to fill in some of the gaps. Here's what I wrote:

Wrestling with Torah

Creator who spoke the world into being, we are about to read Your words. Some words are hard, and we bruise ourselves trying to batter them into a shape we can hear. Some words are so bright they make our eyes water and we cannot read them clearly. Some words we have read again and again until they seem leached of meaning. Source of meaning, please help all Your words to speak to us once more.

B'nai Mitzvah prayer

Today I take on the commandments, I enter the covenant, I join the community. This is not the end of my journey, but the beginning. I ask the Eternal and you to help me fulfill the commandments, keep the covenant, and become a full member of the community. Let us journey on together in peace and love and joy.

Caring for the Human Temple

Rabbi Hillel once said that taking a bath was a mitzvah. Since we are made in the Divine image, caring for ourselves is a holy act. It can be hard to be consistent in taking good care of our bodies and our spirits. Source of life and Indwelling Presence, please help us to care for ourselves with wisdom and discipline and love, that we may have the health and strength we need to be fully ourselves and fully Yours.

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