Wednesday, June 16, 2010

End of Decluttering in Sight

So my pack strap broke last week, motivating me to clean it out with the help of my organizer and move what was left into a temporary pack while I got it repaired. I'm back in the old pack now, but it's nearly five pounds lighter - which is good for both its structural integrity and my own.

That helped get me in the frame of mind to tackle the books, and we went through about half of my library. I was able to part with nearly half of the books I looked at - now all the shelves that I've done are a single layer thick, no longer double-shelved. I was on quite the roll, and we quit only because we ran out of boxes to put the discards into.

So we figure on three more sessions, the rest of the books, my music, and the kitchen. Then I move downstairs at the end of next month - having finally been approved for a new loan and struck a deal with Jim's estate. Then I spiffy up my old place and get it rented out, and then I retire. Hot darn!

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