Friday, September 17, 2010

Progress at Home and the High Holy Days

So, the recliner has arrived and my bookcases have been extended to the ceiling, and most of my pictures are on the walls, and most of the boxes are unpacked and gone. My library ladder has been delivered and is being installed today, and my new blinds are on their way. Every few days I get an idea about how my belongings could be more beautifully or more conveniently arranged, and I'm getting more and more comfortable in my new home.

On the other hand, the stress of buying the rest of the building, acquiring a huge new mortgage, and relocating downstairs has finally expressed itself in the form of a cold that is going into its 11th day, including two or three days of fever. In order to avoid spreading it around, I missed all the Rosh Hashanah services at shul, including the one I was scheduled to co-lead. I'm planning to attend Kol Nidrei tonight and as much of the services tomorrow as I can consistent with trying to get well.

All this distraction has kept me from doing prety much any spiritual preparation for the new year, I'm sad to say. And that's a particular shame this year because I'm so close to retiring and will need to restructure my days without the framework of work. I will need all the spiritual perspective and clarity of mind I can summon to equip my days with accomplishments and healthy pleasures, be a good and fair landlady, and manage my expenditures. I'll want to find interesting and valuable volunteer opportunities, and build on my CSZ and SFOP work, plus get back into artistic and literary endeavors.

Anyway, maybe I'll reread my Shabbat Shuvah sermon and plan to use time during and between the Yom Kippur services for reflections.

May we all be sealed in the Book of Life for a peaceful, healthy, and productive 5771.

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