Friday, April 17, 2015

Ladder Poems

In my last writing class with Janell, we read a fairly gloomy poem by Adrienne Rich and were asked to spend some time writing something based on it. I wrote the following:

Adrienne's Ladder

Adrienne wrote of a succession of movements, each one making the next one possible. I reach for a ladder of such movements when mired in the paralysis of depression. I cast about for the lowest rung, for any movement at all that seems remotely possible from where I hunker in darkness, afraid even to look up, afraid to draw the attention of a malevolent universe to my timorous, vile self.

Then, at a time that comes to me as a gift, the thought, willingness, and energy to put my foot on that ladder all coincide as the first rung glides into view, offering enough challenge to get me moving but not a discouraging amount.

And I take that step, breaking the locks on my joints and my mood, climbing that little bit up from the depths towards the light, the next movement, and the movement beyond that, feeling better, stronger, more worthy with each step.

But then, I pause too long, and the next step drifts out of sight. The upward momentum cannot be sustained. My energy ebbs, and I slide back down the ladder, acquiring splinters and blisters, until the next time.


Then, oddly enough, one of Janell's next prompts was a line about carrying a ladder. So I approached the same topic from a different angle:

Happy Ladder

We all need ladders to extend our reach,

to step on to touch the top shelf

or the sky.

Our legs and arms take us only so far;

we need help to go further

go deeper

go into a different realm

where fish swim through the air

and words array themselves on the page

and old thoughts are clothed in new words

and old words take on new meanings.

Ladders lift us up

take us over obstacles

up a fire escape

into a treehouse

through the looking-glass.

Each rung supports our weight

and lays a foundation for new realms

each step a higher realm

thrilling with more beauty and insight

taking us up and up and up.


Anonymous said...

As the song goes
I thought about you
those bright red tables at lgbt
not as poetic, a bit blue
new zealand came to mind
i remembered you
bird calls outside my window
saturday morning broke through
computer screen gives me Facebook
with a blog from you.

: )))) Carol

Dana said...

Awwww, how sweet. Thanks, Carol.