Friday, March 13, 2020

Reading as LGBTQIA

Alphabet Reading
Loving to read as far back as I can remember.
Getting books for my class from the bookmobile, I gather treasures with glee.
Bumped up a grade because I could already read.
Tearing through Nancy Drew mysteries like potato chips.
Quietly sitting in a corner, always entertained.
In a noisy school bus, just me and my book.
Attempting to write my own stories.

Leave the house without a book? Never.
Gotta have a way to corral my thoughts.
Being without a focus can lead to panic.
Technology to the rescue; Kindle has me covered.
Quickly digitizes every book I might want to read.
I seldom buy dead tree books any more.
Amazon saves my sanity; I am loyal to it.

Leisure means freedom to read as long as I want.
Good books last longer when part of a series.
Boring books I quickly close; I have many others.
To write my own books is a current focus.
Queer Elders Writing Workshop supports me.
I like to encourage other writers.
As addictions go, reading is not so bad.

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