Friday, May 25, 2007

My Bat Mitzvah is Tonight

Today is the day I've been working towards since last October. But it wasn't until this week that it actually occurred to me to invite my brother and some of my closer friends (I had invited a few others earlier on). It surely was thoughtless of me to wait until this late. Possibly I didn't want to make a big deal of it because it was so hard for me to decide to do it in the first place, and I'm still not sure about the extent and nature of my commitment to this covenant. I was also a bit embarrassed that it had taken me so long to get around to it. And I wasn't sure that I wanted a lot of people there to watch this somewhat anticlimactic event (since I've read from Torah and conducted worship and delivered sermons many times over the years). And in part I didn't want to send out invitations and seem to be asking for presents.

I finally realized that it actually is something of a big deal - in fact, a once in a lifetime event - this week.

So, as usual before a state event, I started having some 'coming down with a cold' symptoms Sunday night. I started taking echinacea and stayed home Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, and the symptoms cleared up, but I went to my writing class Thursday night, and that tipped the scales the other way. I now have a sore throat, but will probably have most of my voice until after the service.

It's my prayer that we all will be healthy, calm, and present for the service. And our best efforts are good enough. I'm told there will be a videotape of the event. The presence of a camera may encourage me to watch my posture.

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