Sunday, March 12, 2017

Teachable Moment

How would I go about learning a new skill? Using every possible modality, one after another. Except for hearing about it. That's my least effective input modality. Listening would be useful only if the audible version included something the others didn't, such as extra information, a different perspective, or humor.

I'd start with watching someone do the skill, to see what I would be aiming at. Then I'd want to try it myself, to see where I'm starting. Then I'd want to either read about it or get someone to show me the correct way to do whatever I'm doing wrong. But I could handle learning about only one or two mistakes at a time, because my feelings are easily hurt.

Then I'd want to start the cycle again -- observe, try, read, try, observe. And if there were a way to record my attempts to I could see and hear them myself, a little bit of that would also be helpful. But not too much.

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